On Haiti
The Library would like for all to be aware of Res. 353, recently introduced by Congresswoman Waters:
For Your Information: Congresswoman Maxine Waters introduced H.Con.Res. 353, a resolution to commend the people
of Haiti for the success of their recent elections and congratulate President-elect Rene Preval on his victory in the elections.
The resolution was introduced in the House of Representatives on Wednesday and now has 26 cosponsors:Lantos, Burton, Engel,
Christopher Smith, Payne, Ros-Lehtinen, Delahunt, Foley, Barbara Lee, Jackson-Lee, Conyers, Owens, Tubbs Jones, Corrine Brown,
Bishop, Rangel, Rush, Lewis, Wynn, Kilpatrick, Clyburn, Jefferson, Watson, Crowley, Christensen, and Hinchey. A copy of the
resolution is below:
Commending the people of the Republic of Haiti for holding democratic elections on Februrary 7, 2006 and congratulating
President- Elect Rene Garcia Preval on his victory in these elections.
Ms. Waters submitted the following concurrent resolution which was referred to the Committee on____
Commending the people of the Republic of Haiti for holding democratic elections on February 7, 2006, and congratulating
President-Elect Rene Garcia Preval on his victory in these elections.
Whereas the Republic of Haiti held democratic presidential and legislative elections on February 7, 2006;
Whereas reports indicate that the elections were peaceful and that 2.2 million Haitians-more than 60 percent
of the registered voters-participated in the elections;
Whereas many Haitians walked miles on election day to reach a polling station and waited for hours in the
line to exercise their right to vote;
Whereas the participation of an overwhelming number of Haitians in the elections demonstrates the commitment
of the Haitian people to democracy;
Whereas on February 16, 2006, the White House announced that President George W. Bush phoned President-Elect
Rene Garcia Preval to congratulate him on his victory in the elections and to discuss cooperation in Haiti's economic development
and the fight against the illegal drug trade;
Whereas the elections of February 7, 2006, are a sign of hope for the future of the people of Haiti;
Whereas violence and natural disasters have caused tremendous suffering and loss of life in Haiti;
Whereas the people of Haiti would benefit from efforts to achieve national reconciliation; and
Whereas the elected government of Haiti will need the support and assistance of the United States and the
international community to ensure social and economic development and to improve the lives of the Haitian poeple; Now, therefore,
be it
1 Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring),
That Congress commends the people of the Republic of Haiti for holding democratic elections on February
7, 2006;
2 congratulates President-Elect Rene Garcia Preval on his victory in these historic elections; and
3 pledges its support and assistance for national reconciliation, democracy, and development for the people
of Haiti.
The Library and the Community together with Pierre Leroy, Executive Director of The HPSP, would
like to show its awareness and its solidarity to the Haitian Support Project (www.haitiansupportproject.org).