Trees Without Roots
Ex offenders, and Families
Prisons have concrete floors-no roots can grow, no tree can flourish
Meeting: Every Wednesday
at the Family Partnership Center,
Room 305
Don't be impressed with your own wisdom
Ex-offenders face significant challanges as they return to society, including
the need for jobs, shelter, food, medical services, family counseling and other programs.
to provide and create a mechanism to develop an effective strategy for
re-entry into society. These groups will look at the dynamics and complexities of transition back into the community after
extended incarceration.
-Review of Court and Legislative decisions
-Development of positive alternatives to achieve the goal of nonrecidivism
-creation of individualized plans
-discussion of issues regarding criminal history in an employment setting
contact: Larry Fauntelroy CASAC OR
Sa'id Abdullah CASAC
tel. 845-486-2444 for more information